The Importance of Puppy Socialization
Did you know studies have shown that dogs will never be able to properly bond with humans if they aren’t exposed to them by 14 weeks of age? It’s hard to believe, but the first 4 months of your puppy’s life are vital in teaching them how to respond to the world around them. The […]

So Many Questions About Food!
Questions about pet foods: what foods are best, how much should I feed, how will I know if my pet has a food allergy? These are some of the most common questions that we get in veterinary medicine these days, and unfortunately, the internet is full of wrong answers! Here are the answers to a […]

Where Are You Going?
“Where are you going?” I choked back tears as I imagined these words coming from the mind of the emaciated old cat on my exam table. She had lost half of her body weight in a month, and stood before me a measly 4 pounds. Though her owner declined testing, cancer was most likely to […]